Aloe Pro
PRLAloePro 2
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Organic aloe which supports healthy digestion with no questionable preservatives or sweeteners.

Shipping: $3.00

Additional Details
Organic Inner Leaf Aloe Vera Liquid

The Best of the Best
•Certified organic, full strength, inner leaf aloe liquid not diluted with water
•No added sugar, artificial flavorings or artificial colors
•Naturally contains a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and amino acids
•No added sodium benzoate (a highly undesirable preservative)
•Contains naturally occurring organic acids

Lab Test Verfied using state of the art proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (H NMR)
•Phyto-forensic screened for adulterants
•Purity verified
•Identity authenticated
•Naturally occurring active acemannan, a key phytonutrient
•No Artificially Enhanced Polysaccharides – NO MALTODEXTRIN
•No Dilution with Water

Organic Aloe Vera Liquid (Inner Fillet, Leaf)